Thursday, February 14, 2008

Round 2 - Still Standing, Round 3 - Still to Come

Yea! I made it past technical interview number 1; they're interviewing for two positions and next week is getting soemone hired for a different position then focusing on the one I interviewed, I'll most likely be interviewed again the first week of March. But, she wasn't sure if it'd be another phone interview and then come on out to VT or come on out to VT or phone interview and decision.

So please keep the prayers acomin'.

Happy Valentine's Day

p.s. This is an awesome website for soemone who's interviewing:


Lee said...

Yay! Congratulations, JS! What a nice Valentine's day gift. :) Good luck on your next one. Prayers are ascending!

Peace! Hope! & Joy!

murat11 said...

Amen to all that. May you keep riding the wave. Tell them you only fly up if the interview is conducted in Waterbury, VT, over a trough full of Coffee!Coffee!Coffee!Buzz!Buzz!Buzz! (I'll expect, by the way, some of this delicacy air-shipped my way once you all are in your new digs.)


Anne said...

Congratulations on the continuation! I will maintain all positive thoughts in your general direction.