Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Presbyterians - A Call to Knit their Way to the Passage of Amendment 08-B

The wife and I are currently knitting and crocheting scarves for his effort. Here's some information from the website:

There are many reasons why the 218th General Assembly took such wonderful steps toward ending discrimination in the church against our LGBT sisters and brothers. All agree that one of them was the wonderful witness of the hand knitted rainbow scarves, which you created, which were seen everywhere at General Assembly!

Now we are asking you to once again get out your knitting needles and yarn to help approve Amendment 08-B in the presbyteries!

A Call to Knit and Pray Our Way to Passage of Amendment 08-B.

G-6.0106b in the Book of Order has discriminated against people who are LGBT in the church since it was approved in 1997. The 218th GA in San Jose this year approved the "Boston Overture" which replaces G-6.0106b with language that better reflects our Presbyterian tradition and removes language that was used to discriminate against people who are LGBT. The Boston Overture is now called Amendment 08-B and it needs to be approved by a majority of Presbyteries in order to be adopted into the Book of Order.

That's where you come in. We're asking people who support LGBT equality to once again knit rainbow scarves to send a message of LGBT equality to minister and elder commissioners in the Presbyteries. As we've seen, knitting can be a powerful force for justice in this church.

More information and instructions for creating the scarves go here:


Lee said...

You know, this is the most progress I've heard of for any kind of rights movement in years. I know it isn't fast enough and should have happened earlier but even so I'm glad that some good is happening now. Thanks for sharing this, JS.

Big warm hugs to you and your family!

jsd said...

lee:thank you and you are welcome.