Sunday, July 20, 2008


If I knew which way you were headed would I still follow?
Would that I should have preferred the mystery

Not that much has been relieved, well of you that is
What I’ve seen so far, ah memories long past slumbering no more

If I knew which way you were headed would I still follow?
Would that I should have preferred the mystery

Ah but that too is not so true, I’m impatient with these struggles and would have preferred to skip the lessons


Lee said...

Ah, JS, this brings up some memories from my early days of belief. One of those is a question a friend once asked, don't remember the context and it's outrageous but, "If J stood right outside a 3rd story window in mid air and said 'Come', would you?" Also that even younger person I was learning that you had to get through the lessons anyways...even if you didn't want them.

Loved our chat last night! Thanks so much for calling! The dinner for 6 to 8 went well. My bread was really liked by all and the conversation was good. Even found my way out of the Army Residence Community in the dark. Whew!


murat11 said...

All these poems will collect nicely farther down the road...

Remember, too (and I don't mean this as a mere bromide), that you are already ordained. The "men in suits" are behind you, not ahead of you up the road.

jsd said...

murat: thank you, it seems I'm awwefully good at being forgetful, and the reminding really does help.